Flowers for Easter Services

The Worship & Altar Teams invite you to participate in providing Easter lilies and assorted spring flowers for the church on Easter Sunday, April 21st. The cost will be $14.00. Only 60 plants will be available for purchase, so place your order soon.

The flowers may be given in memory or in honor of a special person. Please fill out the bottom of this form and place it in the offering plate. This information MUST be in the church office no later than Monday, April 15th at noon.

You may pick up your plant after the 11:00 worship service on April 21st, designate it for our shut-in ministry, or leave it for worship services during Eastertide.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.


The Worship & Altar Teams invite you to participate in providing Easter lilies and assorted spring flowers for the church on Easter Sunday, April 21st. The cost will be $14.00. Only 60 plants will be available for purchase, so place your order soon.

The flowers may be given in memory or in honor of a special person. Please fill out the bottom of this form and place it in the offering plate. This information MUST be in the church office no later than Monday, April 15th at noon.

You may pick up your plant after the 11:00 worship service on April 21st, designate it for our shut-in ministry, or leave it for worship services during Eastertide.